Forward Regulatory Plan 2024-2026: Regulations to Amend the Quarantine Act Schedule

The Public Health Agency of Canada is proposing regulatory amendments to the Schedule of the Quarantine Act which will result in the inclusion of additional reportable diseases for the purposes of the Act. This regulatory initiative is a part of the Public Health Agency's Regulatory Stock Review Plan.

Domestic and international regulatory cooperation efforts

This initiative is not part of a formal regulatory cooperation work plan.

Potential impacts on people and businesses

The proposed amendments would apply to parties who are regulated under the Quarantine Act, including travellers. The amendments would provide the authority to require notification of additional communicable diseases when entering Canada, which may pose a public health risk to Canadians and which are not currently listed under the Quarantine Act. Furthermore, it would enhance the chances of early detection of these diseases in Canada, thereby allowing the Government of Canada the opportunity to respond appropriately. The anticipated impact on travellers and other regulated parties is low. The screening and reporting of suspected or confirmed cases will use the same procedures as all other communicable diseases listed on the Schedule.


Regulated parties and impacted stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide comments on the regulatory proposal during the Canada Gazette, Part I, public comment period.

Contact us

Rob Ward
Border Litigation and Regulatory Affairs
Public Health Agency of Canada
Telephone: 613-941-8408

Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan

April 2022

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