PCard - Application, Purchase Form, Missing Receipt Form, and more
PCard purchases eliminate, as much as possible, the need for reimbursements.
You must ask your PI to use their PCard to make a purchase. The PCard can only be used for University of Arizona business, NEVER for personal use. All transactions made using the PCard must benefit and support the University's mission of education, research, and public service.
All receipts must be submitted within 3 days of purchase to avoid penalties.
Applying for an Individual PCard
Applying for an Individual PCard:
Before you can request an individual PCard:
- You must review the Purchasing Card Policies Manual
- And complete the PCard Policy and Exam found in EDGE Learning
- And complete the Payment Card Security Awareness training found in EDGE Learning.
Once the 3 above trainings are complete, send an email to psyaccounting@email.arizona.edu with the following information:
- Cardholder Name
- Cardholder Home Address
- *NOTE:Address CANNOT be listed as PO Box*
- *NOTE:Account number CANNOT start with a 3 or 4*
The Business Office will then route the application for the following required signatures:
- Cardholder
- Department PCard Liaison
- Department Head
NOTE : This process can take 4-6 weeks before you receive your PCard. Please plan your orders accordingly.
After a Purchase: PCard Transaction Form & Receipt Submissions
PCard Transaction Form (PDF)
The PCard Transaction Form (linked above) and all receipts must be submitted within 3 days of purchase.
Form Guidelines
- All fields on the form are required.
- List the full account number the purchase should be charged to (include sub-accounts, if relevant).
- State the total amount of the purchase (after taxes, fees, and so on). This number should match what shows up on your electronic statements.
- Select an Object Code from the list provided.
- Provide a detailed business purpose.
Business purposes listed in the final field of the Pcard Transaction Form should provide a level of specificity that expands upon the Object Code chosen from the previous checkboxes. Simply reiterating the title of the checkbox code is not sufficient.
Please consider the following details when writing your Business Purpose:
- What is the item in common terminology? (Simplify names of technical equipment, etc.)
- Who does the purchase apply to? Where will it be used or stored? (Specific individual or research lab? Participants? Other?)
- What role will this item fulfill? Why is it being purchased for University use? (Will this be used as an office tool? A research variable or procedure material? Other?)
- Example of denied Business Purpose: "Research supplies."
- Example of approved Business Purpose: "Model items of varying texture and shade to be used in the Imaginative Spaces Lab as visual stimuli to test participant response to shape and color."
Receipts Guidelines
Valid forms of receipts must include:
- Vendor Name of where it was purchased
- Vendor Address
- Date and Time of purchase
- *NOTE: if an item is a monthly/recurring purchase (subscription, etc), you must submit a new receipt/statement with updated dates/times each time it charges your account/card for the next installment of payments.*
- *NOTE: This includes taxes, shipping fees, the final total, and all other pricing details.*
Original receipts can be brought to the Business Office, Room 338.
Electronic receipts can be emailed to Psychology Accounting.
* NOTE *: Failure to comply with and/or violations in PCard policy or failure to forward documentation for credit card purchases may result in, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: