Collective Agreements e-Library Portal

The Collective Agreement e-Library is a self-serve, online portal that houses public and private sector collective agreements in Ontario. The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development is making it easier for Ontarians to find the information they want, when they want, as part of Ontario's Open Government commitment. Section 90 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, requires that parties to collective agreements file those agreements with the Minister. In order to comply with that requirement, parties can submit their collective agreements online.

Employer Union Agreement Expiry Date Agreement Start Date Sector
Employer Union Agreement Expiry Date Agreement Start Date Sector

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Agreements Listing

Agreements Listing: This report is a list of employer and union relationships. Format: CSV


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Pages are missing in the collective agreement.
A: Collective agreements are posted as they are submitted to the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. Please refer to the disclaimer for more information.

Q: When I open up the collective agreement there are random symbols on the pages.
A: The extra characters and symbols may be the result of the OCR (optical character recognition) process used.

Q: The collective agreement I downloaded is different from the search results.
A: Please contact us for immediate assistance and note the file name of the document.

Q: The file I'm searching for is located appears to be located in the wrong library.
A: Employers are listed by their main industry sector type. Please note the file name of the document and contact us for further assistance.

Q: I'm looking for a collective agreement not found in your library.
A: Collective agreement may not have been submitted to the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development as of yet. Please contact original employer and/or union for copies of your requested collective agreement. On the other hand, if you have an Ontario collective agreement that you did not find on this website, please submit a copy to

Q: I submitted a collective agreement under s.90 of the LRA but I don't see it listed.
A: It may take several business days for the collective agreement to be updated in this library.

Q: How do I know if a new agreement has been uploaded to your site?
A: The word "new" in the colour green will appear beside the file name. Also, the 5 most recent agreements will appear in the main sector library page.

Q: The collective agreement I want is really old. I don't see it in your list.
A: For older agreements please contact the Archives of Ontario.

Contact Us

Contact Us

How can we make this e-library portal better for you?

Did you find everything you were looking for?

If you need help, please contact us by email at



The documents in this collection are copies of documents filed with the Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development pursuant to section 90 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995. It includes, where available, a copy of the most current document filed by a party with the Minister and expired/ historic documents related to the same parties. The copy that is being made available is as it was filed with the Minister.

The documents contained in this collection are neither controlled directly by the Government of Ontario or through a contractual relationship that allows us to modify the product. No changes or alterations have been made to the documents filed.

Pursuant to the Ontario Public Service Accessible Customer Service policy, if a person with a disability needs an accessible format, we will work with the person to provide the format or support that will meet their needs — at no additional cost to them.

If we are not able to meet the person's particular requirement in a reasonable timeframe, we will inform them and will work with them to determine an alternate method or will provide a summary of the information they seek from this collection.

The collection of documents provided on this site is for general information purposes only. The collection does not purport to be comprehensive.

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Use of any Information indicates your acceptance of the terms below.

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Ministry of Labour, Dispute Resolutions Services is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information, and will not under any circumstances be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other loss, injury or damage caused by its use or otherwise arising in connection with this licence or the Information, even if specifically advised of the possibility of such loss, injury or damage.