If you bought something from a business to be delivered, it’s the seller’s responsibility to make sure the item is delivered to you.
If the seller used a courier, they should chase the courier to find out what’s happened to your order - it’s not your responsibility.
Check the delivery address you gave the seller. Then contact them and ask where your order is.
If the seller claims they've delivered it or don't know where it is, you can ask for a redelivery. You might be able to get a refund in some circumstances.
If you bought something from a business based outside the UK, you might need to pay VAT, customs duty or delivery fees. You won’t get your item until you’ve paid the fees. The company that’s delivering your item will send you a bill telling you what you need to pay.
What you can do depends on whether your item was delivered by Royal Mail or a courier.
If Royal Mail left something with a neighbour or in a certain place because you told them to, it’s not the seller or Royal Mail’s responsibility if it gets lost.
If Royal Mail left something with a neighbour or in a certain place and you didn’t tell them to, it’s the seller’s responsibility if it gets lost. You should contact the seller to ask for a redelivery or a refund - you can phone, email or write a letter.
You can choose not to have future deliveries left with a neighbour by completing a form on the Royal Mail website.
Check your terms and conditions or account details - they might include other places for delivery, like your porch or a neighbour’s house. If you agreed to them, it’s not the seller’s responsibility if your order has gone missing.
If your item wasn't delivered to the location you agreed, it's the seller's legal responsibility to sort out the issue. You can ask them to redeliver your item. You can ask for a full refund if:
A delivery date is essential if you told the seller you needed your delivery by a specific date. An item can also be considered ‘essential’ if it’s obvious from the circumstances. For example, a wedding cake that was ordered for the day of a wedding.
For either a refund or a redelivery, you can phone, email or write a letter.
"Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, you’re responsible for making sure my order is delivered to me at my address or to an agreed alternative safe place. I did not agree to my order being left in an alternative place and I have not received it.”
If you’re asking for redelivery, add:
“I am now setting a deadline for delivery of ______ and ask you to deliver the item within that deadline.”
You’ll need to choose a deadline for redelivery which is appropriate to what you’re ordering.
If you’re asking for a refund, add:
“I expect a full refund without undue delay.”
Refer to an essential delivery date if you agreed one with the seller. You’ll need to refer to any essential delivery dates that had previously been agreed with the seller.
You should also make clear in your letter how you want to receive the refund - for example, into your bank account or by cheque.
Under the Consumer Rights Act, you can ask the seller to deliver the item again if the item wasn’t delivered either:
You can use our template letter to write to the seller.
Include these lines:
"Failure to deliver within a reasonable time and after the agreed deadline is a breach under the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
Time is essential. Please deliver the item without undue delay. "
You can cancel and ask for your money back if you don’t get the item either:
What you write will depend on the circumstances of your order and if an essential delivery date was agreed. A delivery date is essential if you told the seller you needed your delivery by a specific date. An item can also be considered ‘essential’ if it’s obvious from the circumstances. For example, a wedding cake that was ordered for the day of a wedding.
Tell the seller that what has happened to your order is "a breach of contract under the Consumer Rights Act 2015" if you either:
Use the line: "I am asking for a refund and expect a full repayment within a reasonable time."
If the seller refuses to redeliver the item or give you your money back, you can take your complaint further.
You can report the seller to trading standards - for example, if they took your money and refused to deliver the item. Trading Standards may investigate but won’t usually be able to get you your money back.
If you ordered something from a private seller, you can contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline.
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Page last reviewed on 22 November 2018