Call emergency services as soon as you are out and safe. Ask for FIRE.
Clearly state your address and let the operator know it anyone is still inside or has not made it to the safe meeting place.
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Collective employment agreements (CEAs) are written employment agreements that apply to all members of a union where these people are employed in positions covered by the CEA.
At Fire and Emergency New Zealand, there are three unions representing employed personnel, with each having bargained their own CEA according to their membership and roles. They are –
Collective agreements are re-negotiated periodically, at least every three years.
We also have a number of employees engaged on individual employment agreements. These include many management and other senior positions not covered by a collective agreement, as well as those who choose not to join a union that covers their position. Where more than one type of agreement covers employees doing the same work, we ensure the key terms and conditions like pay and leave are consistent across the different agreement types.