Microbiology is the study of small organisms such as pathogens and bacteria. You can not see these organisms with your naked eye, you must use a microscope. Obtaining a degree in microbiology will prepare you for careers in pharmaceuticals, chemistry and quality control. A microbiology research proposal is a paper in which you choose a topic of interest and need, research it and present to a panel of reviewers as evidence of your knowledge of microbiology. This proposal is needed in completion in order to receive your graduate level degree in microbiology.
Clarify your topic. Make sure you provide enough information and background on your subject so anyone can follow and understand your proposal. The review panels may not be professionals in microbiology. Do not include unnecessary information away from the topic.
Write your proposal as if it were your final version. This will allow you to get constructive criticism that will help your final paper be the best possible.
Talk about your proposal with other colleagues. This will allow you to gather enough information to come up with two preproposals. Preproposals are one to two pages in length. One of your preproposals will become your chosen proposal topic.
Make sure you have all of the necessary pages of your proposal. Begin with the abstract. The abstract summarizes the points of your proposal in a short overview. Discuss the problem and how you will address it.
Discuss specific aims. Questions that your paper will answer are written in this section. Write it in outline format. It sets the outline of the experimental design portion of your proposal. Set realistic goals you can attain in two to three years in this section.
Discuss the background and significance. This is a lengthy section made up of several pages. This section makes the following sections clear to the panel. Cite former information about your profession that has already been published, here. You should also get across to your review panel that your proposal is important.
Discuss previous results. This shows your panel you are working on your proposal by providing them with statistics and information you have gathered thus far.
Write the experimental design section. This section lets your panel know you understand your proposal and you will have readable results. Here you will defend your work in detail. Make your goals and priorities apparent here.
Create a timetable. In this brief section let the panel know when you anticipate your proposal will be finished.
Create a list of literature cited. This is a standard reference page in which you list your sources.
Make sure your microbiology research proposal meets standard National Institute of Health format guidelines.